
Stress and Women

Hi friends...
What do you tink about stress??
Stress is the "wear and tear" the body goes through as it adjusts to the constantly changing environment. Anything that causes change in a person's life causes stress. Stress can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Acute stress is the reaction to an immediate threat. This is commonly known as the "fight or flight" response. The threat can be any situation that is seen as a danger. Common short-term stressors include: noise,crowding,being,isolated from others illness,hunger,danger and infection.
Imagining a threat or remembering a dangerous event can also evoke a stress response. Modern life frequently results in ongoing stressful situations. These may include: difficult work or personal situations,loneliness,inancial worries,the recent death of a family member or loved one, a move to a new home or change in job, physical illness, especially long-term conditions, physical illness of a family member,difficulty sleeping or inability to obtain enough sleep.

What is the information for this topic?
Stress occurs all the time in most people's lives. At some point in their lives, almost all people will go through stressful events or situations that overwhelm their ability to cope.
Too much stress, however, can seriously affect physical and mental well-being.Stress decreases the quality of life by reducing feelings of pleasure and accomplishment. Women are particularly prone to stress caused by hormone changes. These changes occur during puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. Women's stress hormones and blood pressure remain high when they get home after the workday. Some tips for reducing stress in women include:
Prioritiz. A woman should decide which part of her life is really important and which parts need less attention.
Simplify. Cooking dinner every night may be stressful after working all day. Women can try ways to make this less stressful, such as using a crockpot.
Share work. Women should ask for help from the family. Children can be taught to do chores. Women should know that it is okay to ask for help.
Be active. Regular exercise is essential for a woman's physical and emotional well-being.
Communicate. A woman should talk with her family about ways to make life less stressful. Together they can pinpoint what causes stress and come up with ways to reduce this stress.
Slow down. If a bed is left unmade or the house is not spotless, it is not the end of the world. Quality time spent doing things that are meaningful are more important.
Get plenty of rest. The world is hard to cope with if a woman doesn't get a good night's sleep.
Eat sensibly. A balanced diet provides all the necessary energy needed during the day. A woman should avoid illegal drugs and excessive use of alcohol.
Sometimes, especially in highly stressful situations of a temporary nature such as the death of a loved one, medications can be helpful. However, over the longer term, the risks of dependence on medications, or of substituting medication for other productive steps, must be weighed against the benefits. Eliminating stress from life is impossible. However, doing nothing to counteract stress will virtually guarantee that a woman will experience harmful physical and emotional consequences.(source:discovery health)

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